Monday, April 20, 2009

When all Else Fails During a DUI Stop, Flash the Cop

Tina Lopez got arrested for DUI in Spring Hill Florida this weekend. That's not very newsworthy. Oh sure, there were the usual allegations of inebriation - she supposedly displayed "signs of intoxication", and then grabbed the deputy's arm numerous times to retain her balance. Her biggest problem was probably the fact that she was unaware that her vehicle was in reverse. Despite the officer commanding her to stop, she "front ended" his patrol car by backing into it. Sober people don't usually do that. She then is alleged to have failed the officer's field sobriety tests (which is not surprising since practically nobody ever passes).

No, it was her actions after the arrest that really stand out. While waiting for backup, the arresting officer was treated to a view of Tina's chest! Not once, mind you, but numerous times. There is no further explanation as to why she exposed herself, only that she "felt it necessary" to do so. This certainly raises an interesting issue. In some states, women have won the right to parade about with their breasts exposed under an equal protection argument. They reason that men can expose their chests for all the world to see, so why can't women. The more I think about this argument, the more I agree with it. She wasn't charged with indecent exposure, so I guess the officer agreed as well.

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