Cpl. John Quigg, of Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania is on administrative leave after being charged with DUI last month, according to reports. What makes this story so interesting is that Quigg was a 24 year veteran of the police force and he was a qualified crash reconstructionist. His job apparently involved supervising DUI checkpoints in the Philadelphia area.
Reports say that Quigg was driving his Honda Accord west on Route 422 on the night of Dec. 17. He lost control of his vehicle and hit a guard rail. A trooper reportedly found him slumped over and unresponsive inside of the car, and he was taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation. He was charged with driving under the influence along with other traffic violations including having an open container of alcohol in the car.
It sounds to me like Pennsylvania is facing the same problem that every other state in America is facing today. When the very people we pay with our tax dollars to keep our streets safe are endangering them, it’s time for change. I wonder how this cop who was paid to arrest drunk drivers feels seeing life from the accused side? He probably just figured out that DUI laws are a complete and total scam that are designed to fail. Maybe if the government is going to sell us alcohol, then the government should pass laws to help their customers make the right decisions after drinking when their good judgment is altered.
Would mandating ignition control locks be seen as saving lives or would it be seen as losing revenue for the government when the DUI rate goes down? Of course MADD would be out of business too, so you can imagine how they feel about it. And of course the liquor industry isn't interested in people having one drink and driving home, they want people to consume three drinks and drive home.