Looks like Rip Torn's been charged with DUI again. His last two arrests were in New York, his most recent in Connecticut. Police allegedly caught the famous actor driving in the breakdown lane with a Christmas tree tied to the trunk of his '94 Subaru. He refused to participate in field sobriety tests or to provide a breath sample.
If you think Rip hasn't learned anything from his previous DUI arrests, you are dead wrong! In 2004, Rip was charged with DUI in New York, but he refused to provide a breath sample and he beat the rap. In 2007, he was charged once again with DUI after refusing to provide a breath sample, but he pled guilty. So what was the celebrity actor's lesson? Not to submit a breath sample when ripped, perhaps.
He appears to have a 50/50 record so far after refusing, with the third charge yet to be decided. Without that evidence, it is frequently difficult for the cops to pin a DUI charge on you, as Rip has apparently learned. As usual, I am mystified when a wealthy person drives after drinking. With his fabulous finances, I would imagine Rip could hire a rollback to drive him and his hoopdie back home after he gets rip-roarin' torn-down drunk (or not - let's remember, the guy may be completely innocent). Best of luck to him with his defense - let 'er rip!
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