Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What is it with Aussie Cops? Another one Busted for DUI

Well, it's happened again. We recently reported the case of unfortunate veteran cop Rebecca Harrison, who got busted down under for driving drunk. In her patrol car. While on duty. Obviously that makes for a kind of weird situation when you get back to the office on Monday.

But apparently senior constable Harrison is in pretty good company. She was recently joined in the ranks of drinking and driving cops by one of her fellow law enforcement officers. The latest DUI cop has been spared the indignity of having his name published in the newspaper, but that probably won't last for long. What do we know so far?

Well, according to published reports, the officer is a 41 year old male, and is "believed to be" a uniformed officer. Fortunately he was not on duty at the time, which is more than can be said for fellow DUI cop Ms. Harrison. What lesson should we take away from this latest case of DDC (Drunk Driving Cop)?

The same lesson that becomes apparent every time a cop is arrested for DUI; alcohol is a drug, and if the government is going to sell it to people for recreational use, society must expect that they will make bad decisions once the drug has taken effect and their judgment has been reduced.

It's not because they are criminals, it's because they really believe that they are perfectly OK to drive. To act as if the drinking driver is to blame is intellectually dishonest and ignores the government's obligation to stop DUI's the easy way: by installing an ignition interlock on every new car.

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